Don't Just Survive, THRIVE!

After my divorce, I was single for a long time. For years, I was just surviving. I struggled because of toxicity that surrounded me. I continued to listen to bad advice. I remained in bad company. I appeared to be ok, but there was no significant growth in my life. My mindset was in survival mode only. Nothing more, nothing less, I just wanted to survive. Don’t get me wrong, we all should want to survive. But to be successful, we need to think beyond just surviving.

Run Girl, Run!

True Story…

It was four years ago. I was preparing for my 50th birthday, so I set a goal to lose X amount of weight. It involved joining a gym, eating healthy and walking 3 to 4 days a week. For about 2 months, I did very well and I was actually seeing results, until that Day!

It was a Monday! Normally, I would walk early in the mornings. But, on this particular day, I didn’t get started until around noon. I put on my walking shoes, did some stretching, grabbed my phone and started my walk. It was a beautiful, sunny day.