True Story…
It was four years ago. I was preparing for my 50th birthday, so I set a goal to lose X amount of weight. It involved joining a gym, eating healthy and walking 3 to 4 days a week. For about 2 months, I did very well and I was actually seeing results, until that Day!
It was a Monday! Normally, I would walk early in the mornings. But, on this particular day, I didn’t get started until around noon. I put on my walking shoes, did some stretching, grabbed my phone and started my walk. It was a beautiful, sunny day. I was minding my own business, walking and singing. However, I’m always observing my surroundings. So, as I walked down the trail, I could see from a distance, something that didn’t look quite right. As I got closer, it was just what I thought it was; a Black Snake! Sis, let me tell you; I do not like snakes at all!
In order to avoid the snake, I took a detour down a side street.
Well, I’m back in the groove, smiling, singing and walking. All of a sudden, I thought I heard something, so I paused my music; I heard it again, but this time the noise was louder! That’s when I turned around and looked.
Oh my God! There were these two small birds diving in at my head!
I started running and screaming until I reached the top of the hill. I looked back again and they were gone! I called my husband to tell him what had just happened, and of course; he laughed.
He said, “You probably got too close to their nest.” “Really?!”, I said.
I was too scared to walk on the sidewalks because buses would drive too close along sidewalks. So, I literally walked back home in the middle of the street.
Birds were everywhere and I became so paranoid. I just knew that they were going to attack me. I finally made it home.
After that, guess what happened? I didn’t walk for a whole month!
I didn’t walk because of my FEAR of snakes and birds attacking me.
I didn’t walk because of my FEAR of what could happen.
Finally, I decided that my fears were no longer going to block my shine. Besides, I wanted to look FABULOUS for my 50th birthday! LOL
So, I had to face my fear head on. I overcame that fear and I accomplished my goal! And Girl, I had a Fabulous and Fun Birthday!
“Grow Your Faith and Your Fear Will Shrink.”
I have a saying: Grow Your Faith and Your Fear Will Shrink.
Sis, is fear blocking your shine? I promise if you face it head on; it will start shrinking…
The LORD Is My Light And My Salvation; Whom Shall I Fear? The LORD Is The Strength Of My Life; Of Whom Shall I Be Afraid?
Get Excited!! We’re Only 8 Days Away From The Created to Shine Conference, Now or Never!