Thanksgiving is Right Around the Corner!
Can you believe it? Lately, I have been thinking about gratitude. To be honest, I try to make it a point to practice gratitude each day. However, I think about it even more during this time of the year.
If you spend any time this month on social media, you might have seen the gratitude challenge on your timeline.
What is the gratitude challenge? It’s a daily practice challenging you to focus on staying thankful for several days in a row. Most of the challenges that I’ve seen have lasted for 30 days.
No matter what the circumstances are, you should focus on the things you’re thankful for.
Now, check out what the Apostle Paul wrote:
“Give thanks in ALL circumstances”
Notice: The word of God does not command us feel thankful in all circumstances. However, it does command us to “give thanks in all circumstances.”
I don’t know about you, but I don’t always feel like it, but when I press my way and begin to praise God in a difficult situation. That’s when I start to see my situation differently. Gratitude changes our perspective, no matter what you’re going through. When you give thanks to God, He grows bigger and your problems grow smaller.
Instead of complaining and grumbling, begin to speak God’s love language of gratitude.
Join me in the next 3 Days of Thankfulness.
Starting Today, I Am thankful for____________. It’s that simple, just fill in the blank.
Tomorrow, find out: “What does happiness have to do with gratitude?”
Grateful for you,
Altregia Jordan