Three Types of Fear That Will Keep You From Walking in Your Greatness

How many times have you allowed fear to dictate what you did or didn’t do?  

There have been countless times in which I allowed fear to hold me back.  However, I want to share several scenarios where I was able to overcome fear. 

The Fear of Criticism | Are you worried about what others think of you?  Are you constantly seeking approval from others?  Even though most people won’t admit it, I believe that to some extent, we all do.  It’s human nature to want others to like us and support what we’re doing.  I almost allowed the negative comments and responses of others to discourage me when opening my nail salon. Some asked, “Why would you want to open a nail salon? There are too many, already!” Or, they wanted to know why I didn’t open a hair salon.  The criticism did not stop there. Some complained about the name of the salon.  Others told me that I’d chosen the wrong location in a less than ideal part of town.  Criticism like that could cause most people to second guess their decisions.

However, in the midst of doubt and criticism it was vital to surround myself with people who supported and encouraged my dreams.  I had to get rid of the dream killers in order to build my dream into the reality that I created.

The Fear of Rejection | Do you have this fear?  How often do you think you’re not good enough?  To this, I must raise both hands in the air and declare, “Me! I feared rejection.” This fear can impact your career, relationships and social interactions.  Fear of rejection can impact your entire life!  This fear shuts doors to opportunity. This fear blocks blessings.  This fear will keep you from even trying because you’re afraid of hearing “No”!  So what if you don’t get the job?  Go for it.

Four years after opening my salon, it was time to find a new location, a better location.  The new location was perfect. It was in the downtown historic district of Newnan. I liked it and wanted it immediately.  The day after I found it, I went to the leasing office to submit an application.  There was another person applying for the same location who was a well-known businessman.  Right then and there, the fear of rejection kicked in.  Immediately, I began comparing myself to this successful businessman. I thought, “I’m not good enough.  Why would they choose me?”  But then, a little voice but a strong one asked, “Why not me?” After applying for the new location, I went home and prayed for favor.  A few days later, I learned I won the bid!

Here’s the thing to remember, having this fear is natural.  However, don’t let it stop you from going after what you want. 

Fear of Failure | I call this the fear that holds us back.  It makes us think we’re never ready.  It causes us to procrastinate.  It will paralyze you!  This is what the fear of failure looks like…You are always about to.  ”I’m about to start the business.”  “I’m about to write a book.”  “I’m about to start college.”  But, we don’t.  We never make the leap to act.  We get stuck in fear.   Recently, I heard an interview with Mike Tyson. Tyson said five minutes before coming out of his dressing room for a fight; he was scared to death, afraid of losing and afraid of being humiliated.  But the closer he got to the ring the more confident he became.  Once he was in the ring, he felt he was a god and no one could beat him.

If you want to walk in your Greatness, you have to take a risk!  You have to take the chance to see if you can make your dreams a reality despite your fears of criticism, rejection or failure.  Do it scared but do it.  The next time you are pondering over whether you should do it or not; think about this quote…   

“Everything you want is on the other side of fear.”  ~ Jack Canfield

Declaration | I am not afraid.  God has not given me the spirit of fear, but of Power, Love, and a Sound Mind.  I know who I am.  I am Victorious.